Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tiki Turkey Anyone?

Charles Phoenix's Turkey Tiki Dinner!
   A big thanks to Charles Phoenix (of for providing a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner inspiration!  This isn't your typical gravy, stuffing, and cranberry sauce.  It is a Tiki extravaganza!  So pull out the cocktail umbrellas and your grass skirt, and check out Charles' instructional video on how to make Thanksgiving this year a memorable one!  (Oh, and what better way to use those old Trader Dick's glasses that you collected while in college!)


And now for a Flaming Zombie.  

The Zombie Ingredients

1/2 oz light rum
1 1/2 oz golden rum
1 oz dark rum
1/2 oz Bacardi 151 rum
1 tsp orange juice
1 tsp sour mix
1 oz lime juice
1 tsp fine sugar
Pour all ingredients (except the Bacardi 151) into your favorite ice-filled tiki mug or collins glass.  Pour the 151 on top of the cocktail with a spoon, letting it rest on top. Garnish with mint leaf or fruit.  For added fun and singed eyebrows, simply add an open flame to the above recipe and stand back.

Wouldn't the Pilgrims be jealous!

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