1. I always organize my list based on where the items are in the store. Therefore, I must always go to same store no matter what, AND, if the store moves items around, I'm screwed.
2. The list changes depending upon who is doing the shopping. If I send a list with my husband, I have to be very careful what to put on the list so as not to confuse him. For example, if I need apples, I cannot just write "apples" because he'll get the wrong kind. (You know, the kind that are already mushy by the time you buy them and no one wants to eat them, and so they just sit in bottom drawer until you smell something bad.) I must write "Fuji apples in the organic section, but not the kind in the bag - just buy the individual ones", which takes up a lot of space and, who are we kidding, he'll just buy whatever damn apples he wants to anyway.
3. I always abbreviate embarrassing items, just in case. It's like wearing clean underwear just in case you get in a car accident. The list I went out with on the first day home from the hospital after giving birth was a doosey! (Just a note for all you pregnant ladies out there - Raley's doesn't sell the little doughnut pillows that you sit on.)

5. Lastly, be very careful who you decide to shop with. It is preferable to shop alone. If shopping with children, be firm. Hold your ground. It is you against them! And we know who is stronger, right? (And next time you come to a garage sale at my house, don't give me that look when I'm trying to unload a plethora Hot Wheels and Golden Books for 25 cents a bag.)
Oh, Shelley, this is hilarious! I so relate to your rant about husbands. I think, 'Why do I even bother?' But then I remember how passionately I hate the grocery store and I love him for saving me from the torture. I can use peanut m&m's instead of Ghirradelli chocolate squares in my fondue, right?
Oh Angie, I like the fondue compromise, but how to handle the little round chunks in it?
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